Helicopter Emergency Medical Service
Author: Jiří Chvojka,
Institution: Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University in Brno
Medical discipline: Emergency Medicine
Keywords: Helicopter emergency medical service | cardiac arrest | resuscitation | ECMO
Educational evel: Undergraduate level | Graduate
Purpose of this algorithm is to understand the significance of the chain of survival, the significance of proper rescue teams activation. In special cases the role of helicopter emergency medical service is crucial. Especially in cases when transport into remote receiving hospital is needed. There is a potential role of early ECMO team activation when indicated.
Helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) is integral part of the rescue system. The dispatch center should properly use its potential. The main advantages are the speed of the transport of the physician to the patient and the speed of the transport of the patient into proper medical facility. Cardiac arrest is the indication for HEMS activation. This case report reports on sudden cardiac arrest, role of the dispatch center, early assesment of possible causes and adequate teams activation. Deployment of HEMS can lead to saving human life.
publikováno: 21. 8. 2020 | last modified on: 13. 11. 2020