Childbirth in the field

Author: MUDr. Hana Harazim, MUDr. Michaela Drašková, Eva Filipová, Veronika Horváthová, Michaela Knollová, Táňa Novotná

Institution: Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University in Brno

Medical discipline: Emergency Medicine

Keywords: labor | childbirth | newborn | bleeding

Educational evel: Undergraduate level | Graduate

Childbirth in the field is situation which can confront every one of us. For this case an algorithm was created, where you find yourself in the position of emergency doctor called to assist the progressing childbirth. Here is your chance to get familiar with the proper medical guidance of the childbirth in the field.

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Fortunately, the birth in the field is extraordinary affair. Of course, each doctor may encounter it, therefore I think that the inclusion of the algorithm is very useful. Algorithm shows the situation when a doctor is called to the advanced childbirth and he must lead the birth in the field.  It summarizes the basic situation systematically, which the doctor has to deal with, at last but not at least the life-threatening complication- massive bleeding. The algorithm is processed step by step, including the explanations of correct and incorrect answers. In my opinion, it is important to differentiate minor and major mistakes, when the major mistake causes “burial of the patient”. Presented algorithm will certainly help not only medical students but also doctors, because the birth in the field can encounter each of us. Therefore, every doctor should be able to provide first aid to woman in labor and newborn as should be a matter of course knowledge about CPR.

publikováno: 26. 12. 2012 | last modified on: 27. 10. 2019