Basic life support: choking in adults

Author: MUDr. Petr Štourač, MUDr. Zuzana Ďurišová, Lenka Maková, Michal Malý

Institution: Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University in Brno

Medical discipline: Emergency Medicine

Keywords: BLS | choking | airway obstruction | Heimlich maneuver

Educational evel: Undergraduate level | Graduate

The algorithm focuses on one of the themes of first aid (Basic Life Support, BLS) directly endangered the patient's life.  His comletation can be useful for both the layman and the person in acute situations already versed. The algorithm was created in accordance with the current guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council 2010.

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The presented scenario describes very clearly the various steps of the algorithm FBAO (Foreign-body airway obstruction) with a focus on severe (complete) airway obstruction. It deals with the variousn key moments when performing BLS (Basic Life Support). Since the described situation is by nature very dramatic and puts a huge strain on the psyche of a rescuer, he or she must be very well trained to provide assistance and act basically automatically. The way of processing of presented algorithm for the purpose of training is more than suitable for its quality and focus on the most important points in providing lay first aid to the patient with a complete airway obstruction by a foreign body.

publikováno: 20. 12. 2011 | last modified on: 13. 9. 2019